As someone who runs a construction business, or someone who is looking to break into the construction business, you may decide to keep certain materials on hand on a regular basis. Structural materials are essential for any build. Keeping some on hand is always a good idea. You never know when there will be a delay in material delivery or when you might need an extra piece you didn’t account for when you ordered your supplies. You may not need to keep a lot of each material on hand but having some extra around is a good idea. Here are some common materials you may want to consider keeping in your warehouse:
There are a number of different types of lumber in use today, and with people being more conscious about cutting down trees, there are some non-wood lumber options. Prefabricated laminated timber, translucent wood and biochar. The latter is actually used for insulation, but it’s made from waste. It is beneficial to keep the most common types of lumber you use in stock at varying lengths to fall back on.
Concrete or Bricks, Sand and Stone
All three of these are used in every new construction build. Having what you need in stock in case you run out, a brick gets broken, there’s a delay in supply delivery or some other fiasco may make or break your project. Especially since these are used for constructing the foundation, which must be laid before anything else can happen.
Steel is used in many new builds, renovations and has a number of uses. It’s relatively inexpensive for structural use and is strong. It’s also incredibly durable, lasting up to 75 years or more with proper care and protection. Galvanized steel is especially easy to maintain. Steel is cost effective, sustainable and modifiable.
Plumbing Items
While plumbing isn’t actually part of the structure of a home, it has to be installed prior to any drywall being hung. Plumbing items like PVC and copper piping are commonly used, and it can never hurt to have extra tee sockets and other fittings on hand if something breaks.
There are many materials used in constructing a building, but these are a few of the most common that might be handy in a pinch. You never know when there’s going to be a delay, when something is going to break or get lost, or when a supplier is going to be out of stock of a particular item. Having some of these materials in your warehouse for such an occasion is a good business plan.
Aside from having these structural materials on hand, you must also ensure proper storage. If you have an actual warehouse, ensure that there are moisture controls in place for mold and mildew prevention. If you’re storing extra parts on a job site, protect it from the elements as best as possible. While a customer will be happy that you have these materials on hand in the event of a delay, they will not be happy if they end up with a mold problem because of the materials you used.
There is no such thing as being over-prepared, especially in construction where delays are an everyday occurrence. Having extra structural materials will cut back on delays, save time and money and ensure your customer is happy with your business at the end of the day.

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