Smart technology in windows has come a long way from just double glazing, noise reduction, soundproofing, and energy efficiency. Today, many aspects of smart window technology that have already been..
3D printing is nothing new, and while this technology has been implemented in numerous industries including aerospace, tool making, and medicine, does it have a promising future in the construction..
Construction waste and debris are inevitable aspects of the building process but the amount of waste can be regulated and reduced. According to construction panel manufacturer Norbord,"the average..
Historically, both residential and commercial construction projects have resulted in the release of toxins from building materials. We’ve all heard of older homes containing things like lead paint..
One of the most important things to keep an eye on during construction is drainage. That’s because having proper drainage can affect a home both during the building process and long after a home has..
Regardless of the size of your building project, indoor air quality is something that needs to be considered both during the construction phase as well as after the project is completed. The..
These days, the construction market is becoming saturated with various green materials, with many also promising greater efficiency and cost cutting over time. But with so much out there, which ones..
Green building is not only a growing trend, it can also have numerous benefits for the builder or investor. However, there are some key differences in green construction in single family homes versus..
Major corporations, IBM for example, are creating plans for smart cities. Smart cities will include smart buildings. Someone needs to design and build these buildings, which will range from office..
As the Earth’s population grows and people use its finite resources, the push for eco-friendly processes and procedures has come to the forefront of everyone’s minds. Business leaders, governments..
With green building becoming not only more popular, but more preferred by municipalities, companies are looking for additional ways to cut costs. Sometimes the initial cost of going green can’t be..
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is changing the way buildings and developments are designed. A collaborative piece of technology, BIM allows architects, engineers, designers and builders to work..
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